Medical and Longevity
Center of Virginia
"Se Habla Español"
Aerospace and General Medicine
11847 Canon Blvd Ste 5, Newport News, VA 23606
Mimi I Peak, M.D., M.P.H.
FAA Senior AME
Dr. Mimi Peak is a retired Air Force Colonel.  She has
been designated a senior AME and is FAA certified to
provide the following physical examinations:

Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
The FAA MedXPress system requires anyone desiring an FAA Medical Certificate
or Student Pilot Medical Certificate to electronically complete the FAA Form
8500-8. Information entered into MedXPress will be transmitted to the FAA and
will be available for your AME to review at the time of your medical examination.

You Must Bring A Copy Of The Submitted Form With The
Confirmation Number To Your Appointment.

Use this checklist to prepare for the exam.
1.  Picture I.D. -Drivers license or Passport
2.  Eyeglasses, if used
3.  Special Issuance Letter, if applicable
4.  Medical records regarding any chronic conditions
5.  List of all medications you are using
6.  A SODA (Statement Of Demonstrated Ability) if applicable
We look forward to your visit. Until then, fly safe and have fun!
Copyright © 2017 All Rights Reserved! Medical and Longevity Center of Virginia
Telephone (757) 599-7899   Newport News Virginia
General Medicine | Physicals | Lab Testing | Laser Hair Removal | Laser Skin Care